- 4-Wheel Carriage
Grade 7, 3D modeling
3D translate & rotate - Snowman
Grade 2, 1st time coder
full of creativity - Pulleys
Grade 4~8, math helps
make animation correct - Digital arts
Grade 4~8, it's all about imagination - Game of life
Grade 9, Gosper glider gun & glider eater - Hockey
Grade 6, you draw who you are w/ lines/shapes - Icosahedron
Grade 9, animating 3D model - Draw Hs with recursion
Grade 6, much harder than calculating n! - Lily and her pet frog
Grade 6, from a photo but much more striking - Natural tree
Grade 8, recursion and randomness - Chess btw 2 devices
Grade 6, application protocol designed - Parabola based on its geometric properties
Grade 4~8 - Pythagorean triples
Grade 7, listing all primitive ones in order - Tetris
Grade 5, rotation of shapes - 3D table modeled with SageMath
Grade 9 - Ellipse based on its geometric properties
Grade 4~8 - Connect4
Grade 3, game rules and game over check - CN Tower modeled with SageMath
Grade 9 - Tank
Grade 4~8, animating moving wheels - Clock
Grade 4~8, simple trigonometry - 3D Bicycle
Grade 6, playgrounds: SageMath then P5JS - Army Chess Board
Grade 4, making best use of loops - Rubik's Cube
Grade 7, a debugging endurance test - Tower of Hanoi
Grade 9, variations are even more fun - Sorting
Grade 9, visualizing algorithms in diff ways - Postfix Expression
Grade 4, checking answers of 24 games - Dodecahedron
Grade 9, animating 3D model - Engine
Grade 9, animating 3D model - Octahedron
Grade 7, animating 3D model - Caesar Cipher
Grade 6, making a cipher in Xcode - Random Numbers
Grade 6, rendered with bars in P5JS